Friday, June 15, 2012

PA #24 My top 10 all time favourite books/series!

:) The title says it all

1. Make Way for Ducklings - My absolute favourite book of all time, because it was my favourite when I was little
2. Harry Potter - Of course
3. Christy Miller Series - One of the best series I have ever read
4. Warriors - A series meant for middle schoolers, but I still love it!
5. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Just... awesome
6. The Help - I really loved this book, the different POV were great, and the story line was awesome
7. The Princess Bride - Totally great! An author who can write his own book, but pretend that he is abridging another person's book? Skill.
8. Sword of Truth - a good series, though very long, I can't wait to finish them
9. Pixie Tricks - This was a series that I discovered when I was in elementary school, and I totally loved it. I haven't read it in a really long time though!
10. Willow and Twig - a sweet book. I loved this one in elementary school. I feel like I should read it again now...

Those are my top 10!

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